1. Shitty weather (10 months of winter and 1 month of rainy summer)
2. Nasty food (they fry everything in oil and call it food, even McDonalds is healthier)
3. Ugly people (swear to God, I've seen some of the ugliest mofos ever, why aren't they in cages?)
4. Fat girls (elephant legs and short skirts seem to be the fashion in England)
5. Drunk teenage kids (niggers wannabe with heavy local accent)
6. Boring TV (u pay 10 pound per month for 5 crap channels)
7. Expensive EVERYTHING (not only is everything more expensive here, but the quality is also worse)
8. No customer service whatsoever (everyone wears a sign that says: "i'm so miserable" on their face)
9. Shanty houses (do they recycle all the thrown-away furniture in the world and bring it to England?)
10. Super slow Internet (they invented a thing called "download limit")
11. Unreasonable charges (they don't have the concept of free call... like the 1800 of North America and 0800 of Taiwan)
12. Stupid businesses (people here don't seem to understand the concept of economy of scale)
1. shitty weather 的話....我個人是比較喜歡英國的夏天啦..因為台灣夏天太熱了..雖然有冷氣..但經過5年自然風的受禮..我反而變得不太習慣冷氣..再加上台灣夏天蚊子太多了..(個人非常討厭蚊子).....最最重要的一點是..台灣夏天會有蛇出沒..我非常的怕蛇..英國蛇類非常少..至少不像台灣這麼多.....在台灣..在鄉下開車要注意會有蛇過馬路...也要注意會有蛇跑進院子....記得有一年回台灣的時候,要回台北的家時,還被社區管理員提醒說過院子時要注意,因為有人發現有蛇從後山爬進我們社區....害我那一陣子只敢從地下停車場出沒......我怕被蛇嚇到........雖然..英國天氣往往會有一年四季在一天內出現的情形...但至少我不用擔心被蚊子、蛇攻擊...... ...還有..多虧了他們這種氣候..我已經很久沒看到螞蟻跟小強就是了
2.Nasty food..我是覺得...roast dinner 還不錯吃啦....不過說實話我大部份都自己煮飯..所以要吃到英國食物的機率也很低..就算跟朋友出去吃,我們也很少選擇純英式料理........我個人則是偏好台灣的食物就是了....
3.Ugly People...嗯...這很人身攻擊....有些人就算長的好看,但心地是爛到一個不行....所以這種太外貿協會的說法,我個人覺得很過份....
4.Fat Girl...嗯..這也很過份...她們胖歸胖..但至少她們胖的有自信呀....我個人是還蠻欣賞她們的啦....雖然可能這樣對身體健康不好.....反之..亞洲女生都是神經病的瘦....非要變成紙片人就是了....
5. Drunk teenage kids ... drunk teenage kids 是沒碰過啦..drunk college/university boys 路上一大堆啦..只能說晚上盡量少出門囉..
6.Boring TV...我個人比較喜歡英國的電視節目..BBC有的時候都會有介紹自然景觀的節目..我也蠻喜歡看DIY的節目.我不太喜歡看台灣的電視節目..台灣的電視節目總是搞不清楚家庭時段該撥那些....搞的要嘛就是要女星穿少少..不然開口就是開黃腔..更受不了是假公濟私的主持人..不然就是搞悲情的政治新聞..OMG...天呀..這種節目才難看吧....
7.Expensive EVERYTHING.....I can't agreed anymore....英國..什麼都貴呀....XD
8. No customer service whatsoever ...嗯...只能說這位仁兄運氣不太好...我剛好都碰到不錯的勒...
9.Shanty houses ...這位仁兄可能租到不好的flat吧....不過他們的隔音是真的不太好就是了...不管是house 還是大樓隔音設備都很差就是了....
10.Super slow Internet .. 一分錢一分貨.......or change another operator
11.Unreasonable charges (they don't have the concept of free call... like the 1800 of North America and 0800 of Taiwan)...這看各家公司吧...台灣不見得每個公司都會有囉....
12. Stupid businesses (people here don't seem to understand the concept of economy of scale).
anyway...這是個人看法啦....... 其實每個國家都有每個國家的優缺點啦....只要習慣就好了...